In an industry with high mortality rate, we are one of the very few survivors.
While many factors attribute to our success, our biggest advantage has been our
dealers and distributors who dot the entire map of India and take our brand far
and wide across the length and breadth of our country.
We have forged very cordial and inducing working relationships with our exclusive
dealers by providing them with extraordinary support. On the face of it, much of
the support that we offer to dealers may not sound unusual. But the honesty and
transparency with which we approach our dealers, separates us from our
counterparts. Below is an account of ways in which we support our dealers.
How do we support our dealers?
We register our products and empanel with state government
agencies so that the dealers can assist customers in availing
the facilities provided by the government.
We help our dealers fight competition by giving them incentives,
great marketing campaigns, participation in exhibitions and
demonstrations and through great after sales services.
Every year we evaluate the performance of all our dealers and
reward them accordingly. We even reach out to poor performing
dealers and develop programs to improve their performance.
We communicate frequently & whole heatedly. We keep them updated
about company‘s position and they also give us feedback from the
field. We don‘t hesitate from telling them where they are going
wrong and they also tell us where we are lacking.
We maintain personal relationships with each of our dealers.
They become our extended family. We will always know about the
on goings and happenings in their lives.
We organize state-wise dealers conferences to discuss our
development plans, market trends, Govt. Policies, growth
prospects as well as felicitate them for their achievements.